Conference on Compliance - Sapin 2, D-231 Model

Conference on Compliance - Sapin 2, D-231 Model

Mardi, Décembre 17, 2024 Compliance Anticorruption Sapin 2

The Firm has been part of the event at the Linate Conference Center of the Milan Airports, on July 5th, 2024, to discuss about the 231 model in airport services management companies.

It has been a great opportunity to deepen the understanding of critical topics with Rossella De Bartolomeo, Maria Bruccoleri, Paolo Re, Alessandro Mezzanotte, Bruno Telchini, Cristina Caraccioli, Mario Bellavista, Marco Andrea Manno, Jocelyn Cortese and Martina Marchetto.

Various significant topics were approached from environmental crimes to workplace safety to the importance of information flows to and from the ODV under the spectrum of the Decree 231.

The US and French perspectives on compliance were also discussed. Among others, Anne-Sophie Hutteau-Hiltzer was given the opportunity to speak about the reception of the Decree 231 and its application by French companies. 

A presentation on the French compliance package Sapin 2 was also discussed. It is interesting to note that the French and the Italian approaches to compliance are slightly different, with the Italian institutions taking a more criminal law oriented approach.
